Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Discuss Your Wedding With Lily Sofreh Aghd


We are available by appointment only. First we will make an appointment in our office to talk about the day of your event, to show you our design and facilities. Then we can discuss more in the place that your wedding will take place. We will help you to prepare what exactly you are looking for in the day of your wedding.

Sofreh Aghd Lily At Your Service

Your wedding is a special day in your life, and your Sofreh Aghd Design, the highlight of the Aghd Ceremony, should be one you absolutely like. If you are looking for a Sofreh Aghd with beautiful hand-crafted details, modern & classic designs, and breathtaking styles, then you have come to the right place.

At “Sofreh Aghde Lily”, we provide a friendly and professional experience in creating the perfect Persian Sofreh Aghd.

Sofreh Aghde Lily in Dubai - Sofreh Aghd Design

Sofreh Aghde Lily is available only in Dubai. We have designed many different Persian wedding ceremonies in famous hotels in Dubai, such as: Madinat Jumeirah, Atlantis hotel, The address downtown, Palace Hotel and …etc. Some photos are available in our websites and some others are in albums in our office.

Mirror, Candelabras, and Sofreh Aghd

As you know, traditionally several objects are put on the “Sofreh Aghd”. One example is “Aayeneh-ye Bakht” or the mirror of fate and two candelabras on each side of the mirror. The central mirror is placed directly in front of the Bride and Groom. The mirror represents the bright light that shines into ones future. All These objects are symbols of light, fire, goodness and wisdom.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Iranian Sofreh Aghd

With celebrating different Persian weddings in most famous hotels in Dubai, now you can call Sofreh Aghde Lily as Dubai Sofreh Aghd. You can just sit back when you give us this chance to celebrate your wedding. Your wedding is a special time that you should enjoy to the fullest. Do not spend it stressing out about your wedding details.

Wedding & Sofreh Aghd

Monday, August 22, 2011

Aghd Ceremony

There were and are two stages to a marriage. Most often both take place on the same day, but occasionally there could be some time between the two. In the past when marriage age was very low, there might have been a few years between the two to allow the girl to grow up. The first is called Aghd meaning knot. This is when the legal process takes place, both the parties and their guardian’s sign a marriage contract and a bride price or ‘mahr’ is set to guarantee the financial well being of the bride. The mahr is agreed on beforehand and at this time previously prepared documents will be signed. The second stage is the actual feasts and the celebrations, which traditionally lasts from 3 to 7 days.

The ceremony takes place in a specially decorated room with flowers and a beautiful and elaborately decorated spread on the floor i.e. Sofreh Aghd’ and traditionally it faced the direction of sunrise. By custom the aghed would normally take place at the bride’s home or her close relatives and always during the day. The bridegroom is the first to take his seat in the room and the bride comes afterwards. The groom always sits on the right hand side of the bride.

The priest (Mula) or other males with recognized authority i.e. a notary public perform the legal part of the ceremony. With very religious families where segregation of sexes is practiced these males will stay in the adjacent room and will only talk to the bride without actually seeing her, or the bride’s face will be totally covered when these procedures take place.

Once the bride has said yes to the proposal, verses from holy books are read. Documents are signed, the amount of mahr (bride price) is entered in the legal document, which is signed by the couple and the witnesses, and the two are announced man and wife. At this time the bride and groom exchange wedding rings.

Engagement ceremony

A few days before the actual ceremony again presents are taken to the bride’s house. Men dressed up in festive costumes would carry the presents in elaborately decorated large flat containers on their heads. The container is called tabagh and the whole thing with the presents is called khoncheh. Many of these customs are still followed by the more traditional families and in the provinces. The modern Iranians normally by pass some stages like sending the ring through relatives and outside Iran tabagh and khoncheh are hardly used. However ceremonial objects are still present.

Weddig Arrangment

With traditional families the parents and older members of the family arranged almost all marriages. Even with modern Iranians, after the couple have decided themselves, it is normally the grooms’ parents or other relatives who take the initiative and formally ask for the bride and her family’s consent.Traditionally, both the bride and the bridegroom dressed in white with garlands of flower on their necks. The color white is a symbol of purity, innocence and faithfulness. Once the groom and his family express their desire for the union, they go to the brides’ home with flowers, sweets and sometimes-gold coins or jewelry and ask for her hand.

The couple becomes engaged in a reasonably lavish party. Rings are exchanged; the engagement rings are simple, mainly gold with no stones.

Iranian Wedding History

Iranian wedding History despite its local and regional variations, like many other rituals in the country goes back to the ancient Zoroastrian tradition. Though the concepts and theory of the marriage have changed drastically by Quran and Islamic traditions, the actual ceremonies have remained more or less the same.